Online Violence Against Women: In Whose Hands Are Journalists Safe?

The Internet is an essential resource that journalists depend on for sourcing story subjects, creating and distributing content, and engaging with the audience. Despite its importance, the Internet has also been used as an avenue for attacks against journalists, not just because of their journalistic work, but often because of their gender. This calls for a multi-stakeholder approach to ensure that the internet is a safe space for female journalist.

CIMA Q&A with Yohannes Eneyew Ayalew: The Dangers of Media “Ethnification” in Ethiopia

As a civil war fought along regional and ethnic lines rages in Ethiopia, similar lines of conflict have been drawn across the country’s media sector. Ethiopia’s ethnicized politics are seeping into the media sector, with media houses aligned with a single linguistic group promoting narratives that deepen political polarization. In an interview with CIMA, Ethiopian legal scholar and 2020 Open Internet for Democracy Leader Yohannes Eneyew Ayalew discusses this issue of media “ethnification” in Ethiopia.

Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Shaping the Future of Global Digital Democracy through Localized Approaches

With internet freedom on the decline for the 11th consecutive year, digital authoritarians are not only increasing their technological capabilities, but also widening the scope in which their technologies are used for nefarious purposes.