The Open Internet for Democracy Advocacy Playbook serves as a companion piece to the Democratic Principles for an Open Internet, which is a framework for understanding what principles must be upheld in order for the internet to foster democracy.
The initial draft of this Playbook was developed by the 2018 Open Internet for Democracy Leaders - digital rights advocates from six countries - as part of an effort to help their peers learn from the experiences of others. Their experiences demonstrate that the determination to preserve an inclusive, open internet for civic and economic opportunity exists around the world, despite authoritarian governments, limited tech awareness, or low internet penetration. The Playbook includes ideas and recommendations for the advocates of digital freedoms, focusing on tailored approaches to advocacy that apply across diverse local contexts.
If you have any comments or suggestions about the Playbook, send them by email to info [at] openinternet [dot] global or via Twitter (@opennetglobal).